4 positives of gray divorce for women

On Behalf of | Sep 29, 2019 | Divorce |

Divorce is difficult to go through at any stage of life, but it can be especially emotional and challenging with longer marriages. Although the divorce rate has decreased in general, more and more people split up in their senior years. The name of this trend is gray divorce. Many factors contribute to the increasing numbers, from social acceptance of divorce to higher longevity.

Despite divorce being common for your age group, you may still be hesitant to proceed. Consider these four positives of gray divorce for women. They may not make the process easier, but they can give you hope.

1. Higher chance of alimony

Longer marriages have a greater rate of alimony and duration of spousal support. More relevant factors are likely to apply to your situation when you have been together for decades. Your older age probably means you have fewer job options or may not be able to work at all due to health. As a wife, you may have been a traditional homemaker and sacrificed education or employment to raise children. On the other hand, you may have worked to help your husband get through school and advance in his career. You also may have grown used to a certain lifestyle.

2. Division of retirement

Another form of financial security can come through retirement funds. You have a claim to a share of whatever the account gained during the marriage. Note that in Pennsylvania, property division is not necessarily 50/50, but rather, what is fair for each of your circumstances.

3. No minor children

Having young children at home may have kept you together despite unhappiness. Now that your children are grown and gone and you want to officially end the union, you do not have to worry about figuring out parenting time and child support. It is important to remember, however, that divorce still emotionally affects adult children.

4. A second chance at happiness

The average lifespan continues to rise. This means that you have time for a second chance at happiness, whether that means getting to know and develop yourself or searching for love again.


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