Many people who get divorced report experiencing that they were experiencing financial stress in the marriage. This stress may have been the primary issue in the relationship or the final factor that pushed them to separate.
Why exactly do financial troubles so often lead to the end of a romantic relationship? Here are a few potential reasons to keep in mind.
Increasing stress
Financial issues, such as struggling to pay bills or facing the threat of foreclosure, add significant stress to a relationship. This can lead to more arguments and disagreements between partners. Over time, the cumulative toll of this stress can cause the relationship to unravel.
Different perspectives
Money-related disagreements often arise because partners have different perspectives on how to manage finances. For instance, one person might be naturally frugal and focused on saving, while the other is a spender who prioritizes enjoying the present. The saver may feel their partner is foolishly wasting money the family needs, which can escalate financial tension and strain the relationship.
Lack of stability
Financial problems can also result in a lack of stability in a person’s life. For example, one partner might frequently change jobs, or the couple may have to move from one apartment to another due to financial difficulties. This instability can be exhausting and emotionally taxing, eventually leading the partners to go their separate ways.
Navigating divorce
Even without significant financial assets, divorce can be complex, especially when child custody issues are involved. That’s why it’s wise to have experienced legal guidance throughout the process to protect your rights and help you work toward the outcome you’re seeking.