Most Pennsylvania parents spend a great deal of time worrying about their teens, especially once they are able to drive. Adding to those concerns may be the possibility that some of those teens could be drinking and driving. Fortunately, one study indicates that...
Month: January 2018
Not all family law attorneys are created equal
In many cases, when Pennsylvania residents search for an attorney, it is due to some sort of crisis. They are often experiencing one of the lowest times in their lives, and need help to get through it. This is often the case in family law matters, and choosing the...
Does DUI blood-alcohol test refusal fee violate USSC ruling?
Most Pennsylvania residents are already aware that they face a driver's license suspension if they refuse to take a breath test during a traffic stop if a police officer suspects impairment. What they may not yet be aware of is that beginning on Jan. 11 the state...
Should you participate in field sobriety tests in a DUI stop?
Did you know that some of the people who failed field sobriety tests were sober at the time? You heard right. For every three sober people (whether here in Pennsylvania or elsewhere) who submit to them during a DUI stop, one of them will fail. Will it be you? It may...
How long does it take to get a divorce in Pennsylvania?
Starting the divorce process can be intimidating for a variety of reasons, but one common worry for married couples who want to split is how long it will take. You may feel that staying married but living separate lives is easier than going through legal proceedings....
Filing a personal injury claim after a pileup can be complex
Winter weather has arrived in Pennsylvania, and it is wreaking havoc on the roadways. Drivers who fail to take extra precautions due to snowy, icy and slippery roads could end up causing an accident involving multiple vehicles. When the victims decide to exercise...