Other than a financed vehicle purchase, car insurance premiums are the most expensive thing about owning your own vehicle. You may have to fork over $100 or more per month depending on the vehicle you drive, the neighborhood you live in, the coverage you want and your...
Month: April 2020
Is virtual visitation a replacement for physical custody?
You and your child are like best friends. You do everything together. Unfortunately, because of your divorce, you’re now going to have to get a full-time job. Your options are limited, and the offer that was made to you is in another city. You won’t be able to be with...
How will divorce affect your standard of living?
Even if you make all the right moves before and during the divorce process, it will impact your future in a variety of ways. Understanding how divorce will affect your standard of living allows you to prepare accordingly. Here are some things you need to think about:...
Do you have an estate plan? Most people don’t.
Estate planning is just one of those things where we all know that we’ll need it, but most of us don’t have it. For years, studies have claimed that less than 50% of people have an estate plan in place at any given time, meaning that most people have done no planning....
Do you know the difference between legal and physical custody?
Child custody is often the most hotly contested issue in a divorce. Parents who don't understand how the Pennsylvania family courts handle custody determinations may be at a disadvantage when trying to assert their parental rights. Some of the most common mistakes...