Other than a financed vehicle purchase, car insurance premiums are the most expensive thing about owning your own vehicle. You may have to fork over $100 or more per month depending on the vehicle you drive, the neighborhood you live in, the coverage you want and your...
Protect your legal rights if pulled over for suspicion of DUI
If an officer pulls you over for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol, it’s natural to have concerns. It doesn’t matter if you’re sober, only had one drink or are full-blown intoxicated, you never know what the process will bring and how it will end up....
Will Pennsylvania lawmakers pass felony DUI law?
The 2017-2018 Pennsylvania legislative session is rapidly coming to a close, along with the chance to get some bills passed. One such bill would affect the state's DUI laws. If the bill passes, some drivers already convicted of driving under the influence could end up...
2017 DUI arrest numbers released by Pennsylvania State Police
Few people would argue that impaired drivers present a significant danger to everyone on the road, including the driver. For this reason, every state, including Pennsylvania, has laws against driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Every year, the...
Driver wreacking havoc on neighborhood suspected of DUI
Pennsylvania residents who partake in alcoholic beverages do not always make the best decisions. Some decide to get into their vehicles and drive, which could result in disaster. Even if no one suffers any injuries, the driver could end up arrested on suspicion of...
Mini Cooper vs. house crash leads to DUI charges
Whether an individual lives here in Pennsylvania or elsewhere, attempting to flee from police is never advisable. Not only does it lead to criminal charges, it also puts everyone at risk. One of the first things officers look for when chases end is a reason why. In...
When do most DUIs occur?
If you see more cops around the streets than usual and there is no local event going on, they are on the lookout for drunk drivers. Because there have been so many DUI incidents over the years around different times, they now know the best times of the days, weeks and...
Be armed with knowledge if stopped on suspicion of DUI
No one anticipates being stopped on suspicion of driving under the influence. Most Pennsylvania drivers know that when they got their driver's licenses they agreed to submit to a breath test when requested by a police officer. When it comes to officers requesting...
Woman to be resentenced on DUI charges
Following a criminal conviction and sentencing, options may still be available to overturn the verdict or lessen the consequences. One woman recently had her 4- to 10-year prison sentence for a DUI resulting in a pedestrian's death overturned by a Pennsylvania appeals...
Repeat DUI offenders law moves through Pennsylvania legislature
Part of the beauty and frustration of the law is that it is fluid and changes often. State legislatures, including the one here in Pennsylvania, pass new laws or amend others when needed. One of the most recent laws moving through the state's legislature has to do...